2.4GHz 6-Channel Rádio
Channels: 6
Modulation: FHSS spread spectrum
Input Power: 4 “AA” alkaline, NiCD or NiMH ( não inclusas )
Output Power: <0.1W
Antenna: Built-in, non-removable
Charge Jack: Futaba compatible, 2.5mm diameter inner terminal,
positive polarity, 5.5mm diameter outer connection, negative polarity
Channels: 6
Modulation: FHSS spread spectrum
Input Power: 4 “AA” Alkaline, NiCd or NiMH ( não inclusas )
Failsafe: Throttle reduced, all other channels maintain
last recognized positions- Also can be Programmed to
a set deflection on Aileron, Elevator, and Rudder Channels.
Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.0 x 0.5″ (45 x 26 x 13mm)
Receiver Weight: 0.29 oz (8.3g)
Itens Inclusos
1 Transmissor TTX 600
1 Receptor TR624
1 Alça para Pescoço Original ( Transmitter Neck Strep )
Não acompanha servos, Baterias, etc.
Não há avaliações ainda.